AEM DAM Bulk Metadata Update using CURL

Singaiah Chintalapudi
2 min readJun 29, 2021


This article describes using CURL to update bulk metadata in AEM DAM. For this activity, I am updating the dam:assetState property value to: “processed”.


  1. Get a list of DAM Asset path from AEM. The DAM Asset report can be generated based on your use-case. I am generating a report with the dam:assetState property.
  2. You can go to: http://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/reports/reportlist.html and create a new report
  3. Select “Files” and give all the required info on the next screen and proceed further. Here you can click on Add under “Custom Columns” and give column name: Asset State and Property to map: jcr:content/dam:assetState and click on Create. This generates the CSV report.

4. Download the above CSV report

5. Since I want to filter the assets which has “processing” state and copy the paths to a text file (dam_assets.txt). Do not copy the headers of columns (first row). I was facing few issues with the CSV files so I ended up using plain text file.

Make sure you encode the spaces and other special characters.

6. Save below shell script to a file ( where the dam_assets.txt file is located.

#!/bin/bashPROTOCOL=httpHOST=localhost:4502USER=adminPASS=adminNODE=/jcr:contentwhile read -r dam_path || [ -n “$dam_path” ]; doecho “DAM Asset Path is: $dam_path”curl — silent -k -u $USER:$PASS -Fdam:assetState=”processed” “$PROTOCOL://$HOST$dam_path$NODE” | grep -E ‘<title>|id=”Status”’ >> processed_urls.txtdone < dam_assets.txtecho “Successfully Processed DAM Assets!!”

7. Open terminal and execute the script: sh

8. Above script saves the output to a processed_urls.txt file. This has a path and a response code. So you can analyze further if any errors.



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